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Synthetic MoS2 crystals have been I2 (iodine) intercalated to achieve p-type doping.
High purtiy WS2 crystals have been I2 (iodine) intercalated to achieve p-type doping.
Natural MoS2 is an indirect gap semiconductor (1.2 eV) but becomes highly luminescent in the monolayer from at 1.9 eV (quasi-particle / optical band gap).
Tungsten disulfide (2H-WS2) crystals are extremely rare in nature and are less than 10 microns in the quartz / MoS₂ matrix.
Zirconium disulfide (ZrS₂) is an indirect gap layered semiconductor in the bulk and becomes direct gap semiconductor in monolayer form.
Zirconium disulfide (ZrS₂) is an indirect gap layered semiconductor in the bulk and becomes direct gap semiconductor in monolayer form.
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